Suddenly…God Moved!

Lock-down… again…
BUT, God is NOT locked-down!
He has been working in spite of all the closures and He’s done it all quite SUDDENLY!

On January 6th we made a deal for a small apartment across the street from us. It was a SUDDEN decision. We began shopping online since every store is shut. We completely furnished the apartment and in less than a few days we had everything we needed, painting finished as well as a plumber and electrician completed their work (a miracle in ANY country!) This apartment will be a second ‘His Lighthouse’ facility to receive Jewish immigrants!
God is moving!!

In the meantime, a family in Belarus was having their own SUDDENLY moment. Within a matter of weeks they made their decision to make Aliyah and they saw God work MANY miracles to wade thru the red-tape and provide all their documents. They arrived here on the 24th.

18 days from start to occupancy! It was the daughter’s 18th birthday when she arrived! The number 18 in Hebrew is חַיִ which means LIFE!

Before-hand, The Lord had already provided all the finances necessary so we could plunge right in. Thank you faithful supporters, that during this difficult time financially you are still giving! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

This apartment, ‘The Gateway’ will be used for the New Olim who must be quarantined from 10-14 days as they enter the Land. It will be the gateway to enter our house after quarantine and continue the process of Aliyah. In the future, we hope to make it a place of prayer for ‘His Lighthouse’ and the Aliyah.

We eagerly await for the lockdown to finish on January 31st. As soon as possible we will submit our Amutah papers (non-profit) AND make a much anticipated trip south to scout out some property. Prayers MUCH appreciated.

We pray for each of you that the Lord is showing Himself strong in your lives and giving you the Hope and a Future He promised. May He use you mightily as we all prepare for Yeshua’s return to Jerusalem!

Next Year in Jerusalem
Nissim & Hadassah

The Gateway Almond Tree
The Almonds are blooming – a reminder that God is watching
over His Word (prophecies and promises) to perform it!!
Jeremiah 1:12